
Wenn es um Auto Karosserie oder Anhänger Karosserie geht sind Sie hier goldrichtig. Entdecken Sie jeden Tag neue Produkte wie Schutzbleche Reflektoren Kennzeichenhalter und vieles mehr. Alles für Ihr Auto oder Anhänger.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { document.getElementById('newsletterButton').addEventListener('click', function() { var footerElement = document.querySelector('.footer'); var topBarHeight = document.querySelector('.top-bar')?.offsetHeight || 0; var navbarHeight = document.querySelector('.navbar')?.offsetHeight || 0; var shippingInfoHeight = document.querySelector('#shippinginfo')?.offsetHeight || 0; var totalOffset = topBarHeight + navbarHeight + shippingInfoHeight; if (footerElement) { var footerPosition = footerElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - totalOffset; window.scrollTo({ top: footerPosition, behavior: 'smooth' }); } }); });
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const subcategoriesMenu = document.getElementById('subcategoriesMenu'); function populateSubcategories() { // Find the active category const activeCategory = document.querySelector('.nav-item.active.is-open'); if (!activeCategory) return; // Extract direct subcategories from the active category const subcategories = activeCategory.querySelectorAll(':scope > ul > li > a'); // Clear previous content subcategoriesMenu.innerHTML = ''; // Populate the subcategoriesMenu with new items subcategories.forEach(subcategory => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'subcategory-item'; const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = subcategory.getAttribute('href'); a.textContent = subcategory.querySelector('span').textContent.trim(); a.className = 'subcategory-link'; div.appendChild(a); subcategoriesMenu.appendChild(div); }); } // Call the function to populate subcategories on DOM load populateSubcategories(); // Optional: If categories can be changed dynamically, you may want to call populateSubcategories // on those events as well, ensuring the subcategories are updated accordingly. });